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Web Survey Bibliography

Title The Handbook of Mobile Market Research: Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers
Source Wiley
Year 2014
Access date 01.04.2015

The first book on the market that focuses on the area of mobile research
More people have mobile phones than have computers or land lines and for several years researchers have understood that data collection needs to become mobile. Up until now, there were no systems available to do so, fuelled by incompatibilities between systems, lack of suitable systems, lack of understanding in terms of how to use mobile and too many organizations trying to put old fashioned surveys into the mobile world without confronting the changes that need to be made, e.g. shorter surveys.
However, mobile research is finally beginning to take-off and it is doing so on multiple fronts. The Handbook of Mobile Market Research leads the way by offering a range of practical tools and techniques market researchers can use.

  • New approaches to qualitative research, where participants use their smartphones to collect ethnographic-type data, of their own lives and of the lives around them
  • Broadens the term ‘mobile’ to include tablet devices, creating a range of new possibilities for mobile research
  • Practical tools and techniques to meet the needs of beginners, practitioners or advanced users.
Year of publication2014
Bibliographic typeBook

Web survey bibliography (4086)
